15 Multi Tools with the Longest Knife Blades

Bigger isn’t always better but sometimes you just need a large knife for the job. A longer knife blade can make deeper and faster cuts, has more reach, and will last longer between sharpening. However the right knife blade for you is more than simply length; blade steel and blade design are also important factors. We summarized all of the multi tools with the longest knife blades in the table below:

ManufacturerModelBlade LengthBlade SteelBlade Design
GerberCenter Drive3.25 in | 8.26 cm420HCDrop point straight edge
LeathermanSuper Tool 3003.20 in | 8.13 cm420HCClip point straight edge
LeathermanSurge3.10 in | 7.87 cm420HCClip point straight edge
LeathermanMUT3.00 in | 7.60 cm420HCClip point combo edge
CRKTBivy2.95 in | 7.49 cm5Cr15MoVTanto combo edge
VictorinoxSwissTool2.95 in | 7.50 cm1.4110Drop point straight edge
LeathermanCharge+2.90 in | 7.37 cm154CMClip point straight edge
LeathermanWave+2.90 in | 7.37 cm420HCClip point straight edge
LeathermanRebar2.90 in | 7.37 cm420HCClip point straight edge
LeathermanFREE P42.76 in | 7.00 cm420HCClip point straight edge
LeathermanFREE P22.76 in | 7.00 cm420HCClip point combo edge
VictorinoxSpirit X2.76 in | 7.00 cm1.4110Drop point straight edge
SOGPowerAssist2.75 in | 6.99cm420Drop point straight edge
SOGPowerPlay2.75 in | 6.99 cm5Cr15MoVDrop point straight edge
LeathermanSignal2.73 in | 6.93 cm420HCClip point combo edge
VictorinoxRangerGrip3.9 in | 9.91 cm1.4110Drop point straight edge

Multi Tools with Knife Blades 3.1 inches and Longer

Only three multi tools fit into this category: the Gerber Center-Drive, Leatherman Super Tool 300, and Leatherman Surge.

Gerber Center Drive: 3.25 inch Knife Blade

The Gerber Center -Drive has the longest knife blade of any multi tool on the market at 3.25 inches. This drop point blade has a full straight edge because Gerber also includes a 2.75 in serrated blade on the other handle of the Center-Drive. A large thumb hole makes the main blade easy to deploy with one hand and a liner lock secures the blade fully open. The serrated knife blade is not one hand accessible.

Leatherman Super Tool 300: 3.2 inch Knife Blade

Leatherman comes in with the second longest knife blade on a multi tool with the Super Tool 300 at 3.2 inches. The Super Tool 300 includes two full-length knife blades, a drop point straight edge knife blade and a serrated blade. Bother are one-hand accessible (after you unfold the handles) and the large thumb holes are easy to use even with gloves. Liner locks also make it easy to close the blades with one hand.

Leatherman Surge: 3.1 inch Knife Blade

Leatherman reuses many of their knife blades on multiple models in their product lineup so it is a little surprising to see different knife blades on the Surge compared to the Super Tool 300. But the reason why is simple – the Super Tool 300 knife blades won’t fit into the Surge handle.

At 3.1 inches, the two knife blades on the Surge earn it a spot on the podium at third place for the largest knife blades on a multi tool. The Surge has a drop point blade with a straight edge as well as a second serrated blade. Both are outside accessible for one hand opening and closing and are held open by liner locks.

Multi Tools with Knife Blades 2.8-3.0 inches Long

With six multi tools clustered in this range we also have some different blade designs as well as some combination edges.

Leatherman MUT: 3.0 inch Knife Blade

The MUT uses a drop point blade with serrations on the lower half. The combo blade is a good compromise when you only carry one knife. Controlled cuts are easy to do using the straight edge section and the belly of the blade, while the serrated section is best for cutting through rope or other fibrous material. The MUT also has a cutting hook that makes short work of straps. The MUT knife blade is one-hand opening with a thumb hole and uses liner locks

CRKT Bivy: 2.95 inch Knife Blade

CRKT brings two unique design elements to this list: the Bivy is the only multi tool with a tanto blade design and it is the only one that uses a thumb stud. Originally used on fighting knives, the tanto design is very strong and makes a great utility blade. The lower half of the blade has Veff flat top serrations that are uniform and more open than most other serrated designs, which also makes them easier to sharpen.

The Bivy is designed for complete one-hand use of the pliers and knife blade. The pliers with spring action deployment and the thumb stud for the knife blade. Both easy fold away with one hand as well.

Victorinox SwissTool: 2.95 inch Knife Blade

Victorinox puts their longest multi tool knife blade on the SwissTool family of multi tools (includes the SwissTool, SwissTool X, and SwissTool BS). At 2.95 inches long, the knife blade is classic Victorinox Swiss Army Knife (SAK) design with a drop point blade and straight edge. The knife is outside accessible so you don’t need to unfold the butterfly handles to reach it, but the SwissTool knife blades are not one-hand opening.

Leatherman Charge+, Wave+, and Rebar: 2.90 inch Knife Blades

The knife blade design is the same for these three Leatherman multi tools, a 2.9 inch drop point straight edge blade. The only difference is the Charge+ upgrades to 154CM stainless steel – a premium version with all around better properties. In fact, the Wave+ is simply the value version of the Charge+. Both have one-hand opening knife blades and liner locks.

The Rebar is the little brother to the Super Tool 300 and its design hasn’t changed since 2012. Even with the dated design elements, the Rebar is still a solid tool and a good value at about 30% less than a Wave Plus.

Multi Tools with Knife Blades 2.7-2.8 inches Long

If you are looking for a multi tool with a large knife, you probably want to choose one of the 8 already covered unless you really require one of the other unique features. The knife blades on the final four don’t bring any new capabilities.

Sure, the Leatherman FREE P2 and P4 multi tools have their magnetic technology that is fun to use and the Leatherman Signal features a hammer (of sorts). Similarly the Victorinox Spirit X and SOG PowerPlay are both solid multi tools with slightly longer knife blades that typical. The SOG PowerAssist has assisted opening on both the straight edge and serrated edge knifes and one of the best pliers available on any multi tool. But otherwise these multi tools have standard tools and functions.

SOG PowerAssist: 2.75 inch Knife Blade

The PowerAssist puts SOG multi tools on the board with its 2.75 inch knife blades and the ‘assist’ makes both blades easy to open. The PowerAssist has both a drop point straight edge blade and a fully serrated blade, both on the same handle. One note on the PowerAssist is that SOG uses 420 stainless steel, not 420HC. The downside of 420 is that it is significantly softer at only 51-53 HRC compared to 420HRC at 55-57 HRC.

Leatherman FREE P2 and FREE P4: 2.76 inch Knife Blade

In 2019, Leatherman introduced their new FREE series with magnetic technology. Instead of using friction and tension to hold the handles open or closed Leatherman uses magnets. The action is fantastic, very smooth and slides into place with a nice ‘snick’. Although new and cool, the magnetic action is not a must-have feature that will change how you use multi tools, not in the same way that one-hand opening knife blades were.

Leatherman went with a drop point blade on the FREE P2 and FREE P4, with just a very slight upward curve to the tip. The FREE P4 has a 2.76 inch straight edge blade and a second serrated blade on the other handle. The FREE P2 loses some weight by dropping the saw and fully serrated blade and has a combination blade instead.

Bonus: Victorinox RangerGrip Swiss Army Knives with Needlenose Pliers

Victorinox RangerGrip 74

Victorinox has designated SwissTools as their multi tools product line separate from their Swiss Army Knives. Their forms are different. SwissTools have the traditional butterfly handles around the plier head that is typical of most multi tools, while there are also SAK products that include pliers. We are not talking about the SAKs that have a small pliers as an afterthought, these are ‘normal’ needlenose pliers that fold into the knife handles.

  • RangerGrip 174 Handyman: 3.9 inch drop point straight edge blade
  • RangerGrip Boatsman: 3.9 inch drop point blade, 2/3 serrated
  • RangerGrip 74: 3.9 inch drop point straight edge blade

These are definitely ‘knife blade first’ tools, and even though they are not traditional multi tools this list wouldn’t be complete without them.

Dan Sawyer

I'm the guy behind Multi Tool Mountain. I grew up in Wisconsin with a love for the outdoors. I currently live in Texas with my family where DIY home improvement projects keep my and my multi tools busy.

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